Join us for a week of special presentations all about tanks and armoured vehicles!

"March Break Tank School" is a special daily presentation series all about the many aspects of tanks and armoured vehicles. Discover what it takes to deploy these incredible military machines in battle, from the different types of vehicles used in military forces, to their weapons, and the people who operate them.

"March Break Tank School" is not a March Break camp, and children should always visit with an adult.

Presentations begin daily at 1:00 PM:

Monday: What is a Tank? 

Military forces need many different kinds of vehicles to do different jobs and succeed on the battlefield. Explore these vehicle types in the museum's collection and find out what they do to support a combat mission.

Tuesday: Parts of a Tank

With hulls, tracks, turrets, and more, tanks have several key pieces they need to work. Discover how tanks are built and the special purpose of each piece.

Wednesday: Tank Weapons

Tanks are well-known for their deadly firepower. Get a closer look at the types of weapons used on tanks and armoured vehicles.

Thursday: The Tank Crew

It takes a specially trained team to run a powerful war machine. Discover the different roles and jobs of each tank crew member and how they help make the mission succeed.

Friday: Tanker's Kit

A specially trained team needs specialty equipment to do their jobs. Find out all about the tools, equipment, and other essential items that tank crew members wear and use to protect themselves and keep their tank rolling.

The following items may not be brought by visitors into events at The Canadian Tank Museum (herein referred to as “The Museum”):

  • Political or extremist clothing, iconography, flags, or badges
  • Alcohol and drugs
  • Glass containers
  • Pets (unless recognized service animals)
  • Weapons and ammunition*
  • Fireworks, flares, pyrotechnics, detonators, or explosives*
  • Military Uniforms*

*Unless previously approved by The Museum management or for Law Enforcement Officers, Serving Military, or First Responders. 

This is a public event and by attending you understand that your likeness and image may be photographed or videoed by other visitors, media, or by The Museum itself.


Choose your date before selecting Tickets.



If you can, please make a contribution to the Canadian Tank Museum's New Building Fund.  This money goes towards building a new Museum which will become a world-wide destination spot.

Suggested Amounts
The Canadian Tank Museum (Herein the "Museum):
* Undertakes all reasonable actions to ensure the safety of our staff, members, volunteers, and visitors. By entering this event, you agree that you and your party inclding any minor children) assume all risks of injury and loss or damage to personal property and you agree to indemnify and hold the directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, assigns, legal representatives, and successors of The Museum harmless from any damages, liability and expenses resulting from attending this event.

* Reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event by or at The Museum without the express permission of those included withing the photograph/video.

* Notes that this is a public event and by attending you understand that your likeness and imange may be photographed or videoed by other visitors, media, or by The Museum itself.

* May use the photographs/video in publications or other media material produced, used, or contracted by The Museum including but not limited to brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, videos, promotion materials, and websites.

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